Many of my clients comment on the welcoming scents of the aromatherapy blends that I mix especially here for at the clinic. I’ve put together a simple guide of some of my favourite affordable essential oils with a couple of simple recipes of my favourite blends. These can be used in either your own massage oils or mixed with water for use in an oil burner. Generally around 6 drops for the oil burner and around 20 for 50 ml of carrier oil for a massage oil (approx 100ml) blend is enough. Please note that most essential oils are contraindicated during pregnancy and should always be used with caution in conditions like high blood pressure. Please check with a health practitioner if in doubt.

  • Bergamot – The cooling nature makes this oil great for calming emotions, whilst revitalizing body and mind. Great for assisting digestion and increased appetite. This oil is most commonly blended with Lavender for tired, aching muscles.
  • Clary Sage – the day dreaming oil. It is a powerful sedative (use with caution especially before driving and not to be used with alcohol!) and is very helpful with insomnia. It helps with headaches and migraines by calming underlying emotional and physical tension associated with muscular cramps and spasms. This oil helps support fertility but is highly contra-indicated in pregnancy!
  • Eucalyptus – clears the head, aids concentration and strengthens the nervous system. Widely used for respiratory and sinus congestion.
  • Geranium – supports the nervous system, balances hormones. This is a great blend for females.
  • Grapefruit – is a diuretic (therefore helps with odema and detoxing). It is overall uplifting and energizing hence aiding in depression.
  • Lavender – most of us are familiar with the calming effect of lavender on the central nervous system (ie stress, anxiety and insomnia). Lavender is also wonderful to help relax tired, sore and achy muscles. In other actions it can also help to lower blood pressure, has anti-bacterial, anti fungal and anti viral properties, therefore it is great to help prevent infection and the spread of colds! It even has a natural insecticide effect and can help to keep moths and insects away.
  • Lemon – is great for mental clarity. One of my favourites for when I’m working as it helps clear the mind. It also has immune stimulating properties whilst kills any bugs (bacterial and viral) floating around the air. When applied in a massage oil blend it can aid the circulatory system (i.e help varicose veins) and even help to lower blood pressure. You will notice a lot of cleaning products contain Lemon as it is refreshing and invigorating and supposed to make you want to clean more!!!
  • Lemon Grass – is stimulating, reviving and energizing oil that is useful to lift the spirits in states of exhaustion. It helps to reduce the effects of jetlag, reduces fatigue headaches and helps to increase energy levels in general. It also encourages appetite. It is great for relieving aching painful muscles when used in a blend.
  • Lime – is refreshing and uplifting to a tired mind. Good for depression.
  • Marjoram – has a warm slightly spicy aroma. It has a calming and warming effect on the nervous system, relieving stress and anxiety. It helps to comfort in times of grief whilst strengthening the mind to allow it to confront emotional issues. It also helps to balance and calm hyperactivity.
  • Orange – is an uplifting scent and is commonly referred to as the oil of giggles. Great stress, depression, anxiety induced insomnia and helps to calm the digestive system, especially when upset by high amounts of stress and nerves.
  • Peppermint – cooling in nature therefore helps to cool anger and hyperactivity. Good for respiratory and digestive problems also.
  • Ylang Ylang – is a very sweet, exotic, floral scent. Used in large amounts can cause headaches so use this scent sparingly. When used it’s a gorgeous uplifting scent that blends well with herbal and citrus scents. It is a sedative, antidepressant but one of its most famous uses is as a aphrodisiac!


  • Breath Easy Blend – 1 drop Eucalyptus, 1 drop Peppermint, 2 drops lemon
  • Calming and Uplifting –2 drops Lavender, 1 drop Ylang Ylang, 3 drops Orange
  • Sleep Easy – 2 drops Rose Geranium, 3 Drops Lavender, 2 drops Clary Sage
  • Revitalizing Blend – 2 drops Peppermint, 2 drops Lime, 2 drops Grapefruit

If you have any questions please just give me a call at the Petrie Clinic on 3889 1366


Leanne Smith