Community Consultation process for the appointment of new
Rostrevor College Principal
Following the appointment of Mr Simon Dash as Principal of Xavier
Catholic College in Hervey Bay, Edmund Rice Education Australia has commenced the process of finding a
suitable replacement to lead Rostrevor College into the future.
To assist in the process of appointing
the new Principal, all parents, caregivers and staff of the College have been emailed an invitation to
be part of the consultation process. Responses are due by Monday 27th March 2017. Please note all
responses will remain strictly confidential. This consultation process will assist Edmund Rice Education
Australia in the selection of the new Principal, which will be advertised online towards the end of June
2017 and in local and national papers on the first two Saturdays in July.
If you have not received
an invitation to respond, or if there are further questions about the recruitment process, please contact
Mrs Deb Winchester at or (08) 6208 3913 or email Mr Terry Roberts, EREA
Regional Director at