Easter Liturgy held on Monday 10 April 2017



Year 12 Retreat

The Year 12 Retreat was held this week at various locations.  Here is Egan House looking very relaxed on a morning walk in the South East. 


Rostrevor Year 9 Soccer Team - who represented the College at the EREA Soccer Tournament in Brisbane this week.

Year 9 EREA Soccer Tournament Brisbane 2017

Faces reflect their disappointment but they ought to be proud of their efforts ... well done on finishing second in a Yr 10 group.  Rostrevor's best player in the final as adjudged by St Virgil was Luke Frangakis.

MIC International Cup - Barcelona!

All the best to Luca Meggetto (Yr 10 Egan) playing for Adelaide United at the MIC (Mediterranean International Cup) which kicked-off overnight! You can't miss him, he's the team goalkeeper. The MIC-Mediterranean International Cup is a youth football tournament celebrated in la Costa Brava (Spain) with teams and national teams coming from different countries with ages from 12 to 19 years.

Upcoming Events

Tickets can be purchased via QkrApp - CLICK HERE for details
Floor Plan of Event is available HERE

Please note:

Concession = Pensioner / Tertiary Student / Senior School Student
Children = Aged 0 to 15

Can't make it to the night but would like to support the fundraiser?

Claymore Wines are offering wine at a considerable discount and monies raised will be given to the Music Support Group for valuable equipment. If you would like to order wine, please visit the College Website and download the form, complete and return to Claymore Wines via email / fax (details are on the form).  More information is available on the College website at: http://www.rostrevor.sa.edu.au/music-support.html

We hope to see you there!


via Qkr - details on how to purchase via the Qkr App or online are available HERE

Table Captains

Would you like to be a Table Captain?  To ensure that you and your family / friends can buy tickets on the same table, please contact the Development Office at development@rostrevor.sa.edu.au to regsiter as a Table Captain.  Various tables have already been allocated.  


The Parents' & Friends' Association are seeking donations for the Silent Auction.  If you would like to contribute, please contact Maria  Lanzoni by email on marial@internode.on.net


Uniform Shop - Winter Fittings

Term / Season Changeover Dates:

Wednesday, 26 April 2017 - 8.00 am to 1.00 pm
Thursday, 27 April 2017 - 1.00 pm to 6.00 pm
Friday, 28 April 2017 - 8.00 am to 1.00 pm
Monday, 1 May 2017 - 1.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Telephone: 8364 8383

CLICK HERE for more information available on website