3, Week 4 - Friday 17 August 2018

Marian Day 2018
As you will see in the gallery below, Marian Day was
a high point of Term 3 for our community. Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven,
we take time out on this day every year to honour the contribution of all women in our lives. With this
in mind, the beautiful artwork below offers us something of a challenge, 'How well do we live because
of her?'
On a personal note, I was thrilled to finish the day on Wednesday having dinner in Cowell
with several of our Eyre Peninsula families. As many would know, Rostrevor has always benefitted from
the loyal support of families from the west coast. The visit coincided with the Cleve Field Days, where
we were well represented by Eugene and Pam Evans along with students Hank Burton, and Cooper Llewelyn.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Brian Schumacher
Junior Years News
Year 4/5 Confirmation
On the evening of Thursday 16
August, we celebrated the Confirmation of Year 4 and 5 students at St Joseph's Parish Church, Tranmere.
We were delighted to have Vicar General, Father Philip Marshall lead us in the celebration which was the
culmination of months of preparation for the boys involved. This significant step in the faith journey
of each of these young men was held in front of a large group of family, friends, sponsors and supporters
and our boys were exceptional in both presentation and reverence. We are, as always, indebted to the Tranmere
Parish community for their support of our Sacramental Program and I extend our thanks to Mrs Stephanie
Roach (Parish Secretary) and Deacon Remo Patroni. Our thanks also to Mrs Debra Monaghan for her role in
preparing the boys for this event, Mr Elias Degeorge and the Choir for their wonderful support and Mrs
Bev Beneke for the care and attention to detail she showed. Congratulations to these boys and we look
forward to celebrating their First Eucharist on Sunday 26 August.
Christian Meditation
This term our staff have been leading all Junior Campus students in Christian Meditation.
Engaging each day after lunch in the oldest and most traditional form of meditation known to man, our
boys can stop, reflect and refocus for the afternoon of learning. Much has been said in recent times of
the power of mindfulness and meditation and the value it holds in asking us to reflect on ourselves and
the world around us. We will trial this for the rest of the 2018 academic year with the view of seeing
how this time each day may support more engaged learning in the afternoon.
Geoff Aufderheide
Director Junior Years

In the event of a venue change, time or
cancellation it is essential that staff, students and families familiarise themselves with the Rostrevor
College Website to access maps and fixtures for each round of Co-Curricular Sports.
Using the
link: https://www.rostrevor.sa.edu.au/fixtures.html
select either Summer or Winter and then be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to the 'Maps'
section where you will see a list of each individual team (Screenshot Top Right)
Upon clicking
on your desired team, you will be re-directed to a PDF document which outlines the time, location and
opposition of each team.
This information will always, at the latest
be available on Wednesday or Thursday (subject to late changes). In the event of last minute changes coaches,
staff, parents and students will all be notified appropriately.
Luke Manuel
Head of Co-Curricular
For complete results from the weekend, please access the link below:
Term 1: Tuesday
30 January to Friday 13 April
Term 2: Tuesday 1 May to Friday 29 June
Term 3: Monday 23 July
to Friday 28 September
Term 4: Monday 15 October to Wednesday 5 December