Term 1, Week 3 - Friday 15 February 2019

From Leadership

Parent/Caregiver Gatherings
Thank you to the many Parents/Caregivers who joined us for the Information Evenings during the week, the P&F Meeting on Wednesday and the New Parents Welcome last Friday evening.  We appreciate you taking time out from your schedule to be involved in your son's education and for the feedback that you provide to us along the way.  As mentioned at these gatherings, we look forward to releasing the final draft of the College Strategic Plan in the next few weeks and to your feedback regarding how well we have captured the aspirations of our community.

Dux Assembly
As you can see from this week's gallery, we were delighted to welcome back our 2018 academic high achievers for the Dux Assembly.  Our special guest, Mr Ben Nitschke (Proxime Accessit 2009) spoke eloquently of his time at the College and his academic journey since leaving Rostrevor.  Most importantly, Ben challenged the boys to commit to our own growth and resist comparing themselves to others.  Through his thanks to the teachers who made a strong impression on him a decade ago, Ben reminded our current students of the importance of making the most of these experts who guide their learning every day at Rostrevor.

We were proud to invite Cyril Saji, 2018 Dux and Tennyson Medal winner to address us.  As we have come to expect from Cyril, his speech provided a humble reflection on his own achievements, gracious thanks for the people who have supported him and much encouragement for every boy gathered in the assembly.  I am very grateful that Cyril has allowed us to provide a copy of his speech via the following link:


In congratulating the boys who achieved ATAR scores above 90.00 and those achieving A+ grades for individual subjects, we also acknowledge the achievements of the entire cohort for their outstanding contribution to our community in 2018.

Analysing the overall SACE performance each year, we note the strong correlation between the College GPA and the final Year 12 results.  With this in mind, I encourage all boys to use the GPA as a reliable guide to their overall progress.

The introduction of our 'Improvement in GPA' award recognises those students who achieve an increase in their GPA of 5% or greater from one reporting period to the next.  Recognising improvement in one's own performance, this award is attainable for all students and serves as a useful intermediate goal as they strive for mastery of their subjects throughout the year.  To use a sporting reference, we encourage every boy to strive to keep improving upon his 'personal best'.

Saturday Sport
Our best wishes go the many College teams that will commence the 2018 summer season of competition this weekend.  Getting involved in co-curricular activities is one of the best ways for boys to deepen their connection with our community and with young people from the other Colleges.  While we enjoy the friendly rivalry, we encourage all boys to make the most of the opportunities to build friendships with the boys from competing sides.  In this regard, the long- standing tradition of sharing afternoon tea during College 1st matches epitomises, for me at least, the role that College sport can play in strengthening community.

Thank you in advance to all our Coaches, Managers and Parents/Caregivers for your support in the weeks ahead.  Your presence and involvement means a great deal to the boys and they benefit from your positive encouragement of their good sportsmanship.

College Long Weekend: 8-11 March 2019
In 2019 we have made a couple of minor adjustments to the College Calendar  including the addition of two long weekends.  We have also extended the final week of school to 3.15pm on Friday 6 December 2019.

The purpose of the long weekends is to help improve the quality of teaching and learning in the second half of Term 1 and Term 3 by evening out the workflow for students and staff during these busy times.  In term 1, the four-day weekend will also provide more of our Boarders with the chance to travel home.

Thought for the week

"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.

Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education."

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Brian Schumacher

Community Notices

Rostrevor Ski Trip 2019 Mt Hotham.

Rostrevor will again conduct a Snow Sports Trip for senior years' students (10-12) to be run in the last week of the July school holidays.

The tour group will depart Adelaide Airport at 8am on Sunday 14th of July and will return at 10pm Friday 19th July. We will be staying at the Jalanga Lodge, Mt Hotham. This lodge is just adjacent the Big D chairlift and provides ski in/ski out convenience, as well as shuttle bus access to the village.

The cost of the ski trip is $1850 and includes:

  • return flights from Adelaide to Melbourne and chartered coach transfers to Mt Hotham,
  • all accommodation and main meals (except whilst in transit),
  • 5.5 days of ski or snowboard hire including helmet, boots and poles,
  • 5.5 days of lift passes,
  • 5 days of ski or snowboard lessons (2 hours per day).

For an information pack on how to secure your son's place on this exciting opportunity please contact Mr Vickery on 8364 8220 or mvickery@rostrevor.sa.edu.au.

95 Year Whole School Photos
Final orders for the Rostrevor 95 Year Whole school photo are due 15th February 2019.
The following options are available:

  • 1000mm x 500mm, Laminated - $55
  • 1000mm x 500mm, Block Mounted - $120
  • 750mm x 375mm, Screenboard - $70

The College will receive 20% of the sales as a donation to the P&F.

To order please CLICK HERE (or go to saschoolphotography.com.au, Client Galleries, Rostrevor 95 Year Whole school photo.)

Orders will be delivered to the College by end of term.  Please note, for those who have placed their order since1st December 2018, photos will also be delivered by the end of this term.

Exeat Home Stays

Dear Families,

Each term the College schedules 1-2 exeat weekends for Boarding students. These are opportunities for students to return home, however, many students do not have the luxury of returning home on these weekends and are required to seek other arrangements including staying with Rostrevor families. This is referred to as Homestay.

Rostrevor College is seeking expressions of interest within our College community for families to host one or two of our boarders for Homestay at times when they are unable to return home for exeats.

Becoming a homestay host family is a rewarding experience. You and your sons will have the opportunity to learn about the backgrounds of students from different parts of Australia. For many students and families, the relationships forged can last well beyond the schooling years.

If you are interested in becoming a homestay family, or would like to enquire further, please contact Linda Haynes (lhaynes@rostrevor.sa.edu.au).  Linda will be able to provide you with details in relation to College requirements, dates and remuneration. Our first exeat weekend in Term 1 is the March long weekend (8-11 March).

Best Regards,

David Walker
Acting Director - Boarding


Canteen Information


Uniform Shop Hours & Information


Term Dates

2019 Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 30 January to Friday 12 April 2019
Term 2: Tuesday 30 April to Friday 28 June 2019
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 2019
Term 4:  Monday 14 October to Friday 06 December
