1, Week 8 - Friday 22 March 2019
Principal's Ball
Saturday night our Year 12's attended the much-anticipated Principal's Ball, held at the Adelaide Town
Hall. The evening offered an excellent opportunity for the Year 12 students, their partners and our teachers
to enjoy each other's company.
This was a black-tie event, and everyone was dressed to the nines,
including Masters of Ceremonies, Glen Urbani and Bill Trewartha. The night was a great success, mainly
due to the wonderful way the young men of Rostrevor engaged in the evening. From their entry, where they
introduced themselves and their partners to Mr Schumacher, their participation in all aspects of the night,
right through to the thanks and genuine happiness on their face when they left.
I would like to take
this opportunity to thank all who played a role in making the evening such a success and again, congratulate
the boys on the way they conducted themselves throughout the evening.
I am sure this will be a highlight
of the year for many and will be cherished by all who attended.
R-12 Principal's Student Leadership
At the Principal's Assembly this morning we presented over 60 leadership badges
to students from Years 7 to 12. The badges carry the title of House Vice-Captain and with that comes the
responsibility of being a visible leader within the community. Several other leadership positions were
also announced including the Music Captains. As an R-12 community we had the opportunity to congratulate
the Junior Years Captain, Alecs Zorzi and Vice-Captain, Damon Tatarelli, as well as our Year 6 House Captains.
Head Boarder, Cameron Taheny, also announced our Boarding leadership positions.
Congratulations to
all boys who now have an important role to play in seeking 'to enrich the experience of others through
their service'. The 2019 Middle and Senior Years House Vice-Captains and Junior Years House Captains are
There are literally thousands of quotes that can help to explain what leadership should be. Nevertheless,
we need to go no further than the most powerful example we have, in Jesus, for a very simple but powerful
style. His leadership was quite simply "servant leadership" and as the title suggests, he was prepared
to serve the people who believed they were his followers.
Harmony Day
the Principal's Student Leadership Assembly, students gathered in House groups to partake in an activity
which involved making a poster with the theme "Why everyone belongs at Rostrevor"; a simple activity to
acknowledge three significant events.
National Day
of Action against Bullying and Violence (Friday 15 March) This is an opportunity for students, teachers,
parents and the whole community to take a stand together against bullying and violence. This annual day
provides a focus for the College community to say "Bullying. No Way!"
Day (Thursday 21 March) This coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination. It is a day of cultural respect, widely celebrated across the nation; community
building and engagement;
Close the Gap (Thursday 21 March) Australia's largest
campaign to improve Indigenous health. Supported by more than 30 Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations,
the campaign calls on Federal, State and Territory Governments to commit to closing the life expectancy
gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.
Please refer
to the gallery for some photographs of the R-12 Harmony Day Activities.
Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are impacted by the terrorist
attack; the Muslin community and people of Christchurch, and the nation.
As a school we renounce
any acts of violence in any form and however motivated. At this time we especially renounce acts of violence
and hatred motivated by discrimination and racism. Rostrevor College is so richly blessed by having students
and families from many different cultures and faith backgrounds. Our educational programs, our culture
and our humanity as a school are the means by which we convey those principles to our students.
Your sons are always our central concern. If you sense that they need support to manage their understanding
or emotions about this event please contact either our College Counsellor, Adrian Terminello (aterminello@rostrevor.sa.edu.au)
or our Psychologist, Karolina Pasierbek (kpasierbek@rostrevor.sa.edu.au).
I would like to offer this prayer to all those affected by this tragedy.
God of peace,
We pray for those caught up in the events in New Zealand, for those killed and wounded, and for
those who will mourn.
We pray for the people of the emergency services, and for community leaders
and faith leaders as they work to heal broken communities.
Soften the hearts of those who are
motivated by hate and bring peace to your precious people of New Zealand.
Quote of the week
'A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more
just' - Pope Francis
Frank Ranaldo
Deputy Principal
Incredibly, this week's fixtures present the
last round for almost all of our Co-Curricular teams. Whilst I'm sure some are breathing a sigh of relief,
and may get some respite from the busy training schedules there are others who would be slightly disappointed.
The Co-Curricular season thus far has had numerous interruptions, and far more than usual amongst all
activities. We've had extreme heat, the Adelaide Cup long weekend, plus numerous forfeits and cancellations
along the way which has unfortunately limited the amount of opportunities for boys to both train and compete.
Nonetheless, there has continually been an obvious improvement by way of commitment and enjoyment from
our existing students. Additionally, this has paved the way for our 'new students' to settle in and be
a part of some rewarding and memorable experiences.
Reflecting upon the Term 1 season that has
been, the most pleasing aspect has been a sense of ownership, responsibility and willingness to cooperate
with staff, coaches and team managers evident in our students. I've been incredibly proud to witness a
significant 'shift' in culture and positive behaviour that I'm very confident will continue to improve
as the year progresses. One of the traits I love most about Rostrevor College students is their everlasting
passion for a contest across certain activities, trainings, in the classroom and also in Physical Education
Our challenge as a Community is to encourage
our boys to still maintain that competitive edge but to also complement it with honesty, integrity, respect
and a high level of sportsmanship in all aspects of their recreational pursuits. Achieving this together
will lay terrific foundations for the future, and will continually drive the Co-Curricular program towards
a state of distinction.
Finally, two noteworthy occurrences to mention this week. Firstly, the
First XI Cricket Team are playing their annual Intercollegiate Cricket Match against Sacred Heart on Thursday
and Friday this week (21st and 22nd March). We'll await the results over the weekend, and wish them the
very best of luck. Impressively, the Rostrevor Swimming Team has just won it's third swim meet of the
season thus far which is a phenomenal effort in itself but especially so when comparing to years gone
by. Credit to Mrs. Mary Ford, Mr. Adam Whitefield and all our swimmers who have exemplified the aforementioned
shift in culture and commitment.
Best of luck to all students, coaches and team managers for
what is the concluding fixture for the Term 1 Summer season and I hope to see many parents, caregivers,
friends and acquaintances of the Rostrevor College Community this coming weekend.
If your son,
be he a current or past scholar, has made any significant achievement in an activity outside of the College,
please pass this on to me via email to lmanuel@rostrevor.sa.edu.au or by phone, so that I can include
his achievements in the weekly newsletter.
For a full list of results from the weekend's fixtures,
please click the link below:
Luke Manuel
Head of Co-Curricular Programs
P&F Cake Stall for Open Day
Canteen Payment Options
Rostrevor Ski Trip 2019 Mt Hotham.
Exeat Home Stays
Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Hours
2019 Term
Term 1: Wednesday 30 January to Friday 12 April 2019
Term 2: Tuesday 30 April to Friday 28 June 2019
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 2019
Term 4: Monday 14 October to Friday 06 December