Term 2, Week 3 - Friday 17 May 2019

Term 2, Week 3 Update

Week 3
Welcome to this week's edition of our Newsletter.

Further to Frank's comments in last week's Newsletter, I hope all of the boys who participated in the testing this week found the questions thought-provoking and came away more confident in their abilities - even before they see the results. Of course, it is difficult to find relevance in the tests when it takes so long for the results to become available.  As you know, this will be one of the benefits of completing the tests online.

Results continue to provide schools with useful diagnostic tools for reviewing the effectiveness of our approaches to teaching Literacy and Numeracy.  Principals from Catholic schools in the Eastern suburbs are currently conducting research into the long-term literacy and numeracy trends to identify opportunities for system-based improvements that will enhance the learning for all students.

It comes as no surprise that Literacy and Numeracy are at the core of any National curriculum; they are the foundations of all learning.  In my opinion, reading well is an absolute must for all students if they are to become capable leaners who are active and informed citizens.  The ability to read well also influences most students' performance in SACE and University.  Like all skills, we need to continue reading on a regular basis for it to become 'second nature' and simply something that is an indispensable part of our everyday lives.

What can we do to help our boys become better readers?  Keep encouraging them. While many boys might not describe themselves as lovers of reading, they read more than they realise throughout the course of any week.  Where they sometimes need encouragement is to read from a greater variety of sources and more fiction.  It is true that the more they read, the easier and more enjoyable it becomes.  In the early stages, getting back into reading is similar to re-engaging in a fitness program; it can be a bit tough at first and take some time to see the benefits.

Finally, the younger the boys are the more likely they are to be influenced by what they see us do.  Don't underestimate the power of children seeing the adults in their lives reading for pleasure.  Don't feel guilty for taking some time to sit on the couch for a couple of hours indulging in your favourite book.  I think it is one of the best ways to encourage your son's reading.

EREA School Renewal
This week I have been assisting with a School Review at St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace in Brisbane.  All schools in the EREA Network undertake a review, every five years, to ensure that our work remains grounded in the Touchstones. While there are many performance and compliance requirements of modern schools, the EREA Renewal process is different.

If you think of the Touchstones as our compass that help us plot our course as a Christian educational institution, the renewal process is a good way to check our bearings every five years.  When there are many competing priorities and pressures on schools, it can be challenging to remain focussed on what is most important.  So, during the renewal process we ask ourselves, 'Have we stayed true to our course as a school in the Edmund Rice tradition?'  The role of the panel is to listen to the community's reflections on how they live the Touchstones as a contemporary school.

As you can imagine, participating in the panel for another school is also great professional development for those involved.  Interviewing staff, students and families about the work and life in their school is also a rich source of new ideas and possibilities back home.

Best wishes for the weekend ahead.  I'm looking forward to coming home next week, even if it is a little cooler than Brisbane.

Brian Schumacher

The Rostrevor Calendar has recently been updated!  Click the link above to review.


If your son, be he a current or past scholar, has made any significant achievement in an activity outside of the College, please pass this on to me via email to lmanuel@rostrevor.sa.edu.au or by phone, so that I can include his achievements in the weekly newsletter.

For a full list of results from the weekend's fixtures, please click the link below:

Luke Manuel
Head of Co-Curricular Programs

Community Notices

Emcee Announcement...

We are pleased to announce that Danielle Demourtidis of The Girl Gang will be our Emcee for The Fashion Show.  

Danielle is the founder of The Girl Gang Group and a qualified Teen Counsellor. Danielle has hosted many events where she speaks about a range of topics including positive body image, resilience, self-esteem, social media and more.

The aim of The Girl Gang is to promote self-esteem and resilience in women and is designed to unify girls into becoming strong confident women together.

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Term Dates

2019 Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 30 January to Friday 12 April 2019
Term 2: Tuesday 30 April to Friday 28 June 2019
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 2019
Term 4:  Monday 14 October to Friday 06 December
