3, Week 2 - Friday 02 August 2019

Launch of the Strategic
At the Principal's Assembly this morning we launched the College Strategic Priorities
2019 2023.
It was appropriate to do so in our Year of Legacy where we are reminded that we
must recall our history to build our future. Strategic planning is the process of reflecting on past performance,
establishing future directions and deciding what will constitute success as we move forward towards our
centenary in 2023.
At the Assembly Board Chair, Dr Vin Thomas, addressed the audience:
I am delighted to represent the Board at this launching of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, which
sets out the broad directions for the College over these five years and culminates at the time of our
Centenary in 2023.
The plan was spearheaded by a Strategic Plan Steering Committee comprised
of the Principal, Mr Schumacher, the Executive of the College Board, myself, Deputy Chair, Mr Sam Crafter,
Board member, Mr Angelo Piantadosi, along with another Board member, Mr Tony Circelli. Their work
was shared with the Board as developments occurred.
These developments were influenced by
the consultations held with the key stakeholders in the Rostrevor community, parents, staff, The P&
F Association, the Old Collegians and the College Foundation.
The draft was then shared
with the whole community for feedback and changes made by the Board as appropriate. Today we launch
the finished product. One of the first decisions of the Steering Committee was to have the Plan
published in a form that was accessible to the community. Our thanks need to go to another Board
member, Mr Anthony Marzullo, for the design of the Plan's publication.
The Plan is based
on four key Pillars (Our Strategic Priorities), three of which (Academic, Co-curricular and Spirituality)
would be familiar to you. A fourth one has been added, Wellbeing. For each of the four Priorities,
three strategic goals have been developed that indicate current thinking of what needs to be achieved
in that area.
It will now be the responsibility of the College Principal and his Executive,
together with the College staff, to develop and implement the steps necessary to achieve the goals.
Mr Schumacher will report annually to the Board on these steps and what has been achieved in the actualisation
of the goals.
Ultimately, the intent is the betterment of each and every student of the College,
spiritually, academically, wholistically and personally.
Together with Mr Schumacher we are proud
to launch the Rostrevor College Strategic Plan 2019-2023.
here to access a copy.
SACE Information Evening and Careers Expo
It was great to see so many parents attend the SACE Information Evening and Careers Expo.
The SACE presentation covered:
The SACE and completion requirements;
SACE assessment and moderation;
University & TAFE entrance requirements,
including the calculation of the ATAR;
How to plan for tertiary entry and select appropriate
subjects at Stage 1 and Stage 2;
How to complete subject selection forms
The Careers Expo provided families with an opportunity to connect with tertiary
education providers for guidance and clarity in relation to career pathways and training.
parents who were unable to attend, the PowerPoint can be accessed from the Parent Portal.
1 Academic Awards and the Br Godfrey Hall Academic Shield
Our Semester One Palma
Merenti Award winners were presented with certificates at our Principal's Assembly; there was a significant
increase in the number of Middle and Senior Years award winners compared to the previous term. Please
click on the link below for the names of recipients.
Mrs Hodkinson also provided an update on House points for the Br Godfrey Hall Academic
Shield which will be presented in Term 4. The Shield is awarded to the House with the highest number of
points calculated using subject grades for each student over the course of the year. Congratulations to
O'Brien, Gurr and Barron Houses who are currently ranked in the top 3.
Prefect Selection
On Monday Mr Schumacher and I met with our current Year 11 cohort to run through
the Prefect Application process for 2020. All students have been given access to a Virtual Workspace from
the Student Portal which contains the Application Package, including instructions, the Application Form
and two Teacher Endorsement Forms.
We have developed Position Information Documents (PIDs)
for each Prefect position which outlines in some detail the duties, responsibilities and expectations
we have of students who may be interested in such a role. These have also been made available via a Virtual
Workspace. A detailed flowchart and timeline outlining the process is also available.
We hope
that members of our Year 11 cohort who have already served in some leadership capacity within one or more
of our pillars (Academic, Spiritual and Co-Curricular) or have leadership aspirations, will strongly consider
applying for a 2020 Prefect position.
Our Intercol fixtures
against Sacred Heart College represent one of the great schoolboy sporting rivalries in South Australia
and they are always played in true spirit. However, unfortunately at times this is tainted by the behaviour
of a minority.
This year both schools have united to present to their communities a very clear
message, one of 'Respect over Rivalry'. At a special 'Spirit' Assembly on Monday 5 August organised by
our Prefects, where we will be joined by the Sacred Heart College Captains, our common expectations of
players and supporters will be clearly outlined. Our Head Prefect, Joshua Rahaley, and Deputy Head Prefect
(and First XVIII Captain), Stefan Lanzoni, will join staff and students at Sacred Heart College for their
Assembly on Wednesday.
Far more important than the result on the scoreboard is how we
play the game. No doubt, we will win some and we will lose some and in a few years' time no-one will remember
the scores, but our conduct on and off the field will be remembered. The Rostrevor legacy is sportsmanship
and respect for our opponent. We play hard but fair; we win humbly, and we lose graciously.
Frank Ranaldo
Deputy Principal

The commencement
of Term 3 certainly kept our families busy, with various fixtures and competitions beginning on Wednesday
and spanning all the way through to Sunday. Many teams were back into action on their second day back
from holidays, and it was terrific to observe the abundance of energy and enthusiasm present as our students
re-united with their close friends and peers.
We were fortunate to celebrate the AFL Sir Douglas
Nicholls Indigenous Round & NAIDOC week during the weekend recently passed. It was an incredible day
on Saturday with the representation of all our Indigenous students and families through various aspects
of celebration; creating a very special and memorable atmosphere throughout the day. I have done so endlessly,
but an enormous message of thanks must be passed on to every single person who was involved in the planning
and preparation of the day itself. We've received incredible amounts of positive feedback from within
both the Rostrevor and St. Peter's College communities, with the quality of the First XVIII afternoon
tea particularly favoured. Celebrations like these are imperative to maintain inter-cultural relationships
and also a healthy amount of competitive respect with our opposing schools and we are very lucky to play
a role.
A brief oversight of the entire Co-Curricular program would indicate there has been
many successes and we are always seeking opportunities to improve both small and larger aspects of all
Co-Curricular activities. We've entered a significant number of teams in State Knockout Competitions,
with many still well placed including our First XI, Year 10 and Year 8/9 Soccer Teams. Our Year 8/9 Football
Team were recently defeated in the Semi-Finals by an impressive Cabra College outfit, and our Open and
Year 10 Basketball teams still have fixtures to play in their respective divisions. Add in the summer
teams who will also be competing in such competitions, and it allows our students to experiment at some
fantastic levels of competition and also exposure to schools who wouldn't otherwise be a part of our normal
Consistent challenges, expectations and accountability combined with a focus on positive
behaviours has slowly begun to reap some very positive outcomes in both individuals and teams. Culture
is, and will continue to be a significant focus point both inside and outside the classroom as we aim
to transform our young students into socially and emotionally competent men for others.
I remind everyone that the annual Intercollegiate
Weekend between Rostrevor and Sacred Heart will occur over the 9th and 10th August, with a confirmed schedule
due to be released to families early next week.
In other Co-Curricular News:
Jake Slivak (Year 11) has been selected to trial for the South Australian
U/17 Cricket Team. Trials began in late June 2019 and Jake has been preparing for the trials with specialist
cricket batting sessions since late May 2019. Unfortunately, due to a shoulder injury Jake has undergone
surgery and as a result will not take part in further trials. We wish Jake a speedy recovery and hope
he has plenty of opportunities to showcase his talent in the future when he has recovered.
Matthew Maio and Alessio Ruggiero (Year 10) have been
selected to represent the SSSSA State 16 & Under Soccer Side. The team will travel to Burpengary,
Queensland from Saturday 14th to Friday 20th September and compete in the National Championships. Both
Matthew and Alessio have been fantastic contributors to the Soccer Program at Rostrevor College and
their selection comes as a result of some terrific performances at both school and club level. We wish
both boys the very best and look forward to hearing of their experiences in September.
If your son, be he a current or past scholar, has made any significant achievement
in an activity outside of the College, please pass this on to me via email to lmanuel@rostrevor.sa.edu.au
or by phone, so that I can include his achievements in the weekly newsletter.
For a
full list of results from the preceding week's fixtures, please click the link below:
Head of Co-Curricular Programs
Canteen Payment Options
Boarding Exeat Home Stays
2019 Term
Term 1: Wednesday 30 January to Friday 12 April 2019
Term 2: Tuesday 30 April to Friday 28 June 2019
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 2019
Term 4: Monday 14 October to Friday 06 December