Term 3, Week 8 - Friday 13 September 2019

Term 3, Week 8 Update

2019 Heads of Faculty and
Heads of Houses

We have had some enquiries from parents about the names of staff who oversee our academic faculties and pastoral care structure. I have listed these below for your information.

Heads of Faculties

  • Arts -  Mr Peter Waterman
  • English & LOTE -  Mr John Kelly
  • Flexible Learning -  Mrs Julie Farmer
  • Health & Physical Education - Mr Glen Urbani
  • Humanities - Mrs Carelyn Robinson
  • Inclusive Education - Ms Nadia Fantasia
  • Religious Education -  Mr Anthony Callisto
  • Science - Mr Peter Steel
  • Technology -  Mr Joel Phillips
  • VET - Mrs Belinda DeConno-Coward

Heads of Houses

  • Barron House - Mr Matt Footner
  • Egan House - Mr Tom Hodkinson
  • Gurr House - Mr Michael Vickery
  • Murphy House - Mrs Marnie Tiggemann
  • O'Brien House - Mrs Lee-Anne Genner
  • Webb House - Ms Melissa Frasca

EREA Teaching and Learning Conference
The inaugural Edmund Rice Education Australia Teaching and Learning Conference was held this week, at the University of Technology in Sydney. All EREA schools Australia-wide in addition to some New Zealand schools sent their Deputy Principal, Leader of Learning, and Identity Leader to engage in a conference dedicated to thinking critically about teaching and learning in our schools. The focus on the touchsteone 'Liberating Education' is a key strategic priority for everything we do at Rostrevor College in order to support our students to achieve their academic personal best.

A range of credentialed guest speakers presented to the conference attendees, and Ray Paxton delivered pivotal EREA data which drives our strategic plans and school improvement.

I represented Rostrevor College along with Mr Ric Sachse (APRIM) and Mrs Kerry Hodkinson (Director Teaching and Learning). We were very proud of Kerry who had a significant role as a member of the Organising Committee.

Student Reports
Over the following few weeks teachers will be finalising assessments to determine student achievement for Term 3. Teachers will work collaboratively within faculties to confirm assessment standards through moderation activities and prepare student reports.

Reports will be available from the Parent Portal during the first week of the October holiday break. Parents are encouraged to contact subject teachers if they have concerns from the home front. Ideally, through regular contact with the school and access to your son's academic program and achievement at a task level from the Parent Portal, parents should know enough about their son's progress for there to be nothing in a term or semester report that comes as a total surprise.

Student Non-Attendance
Over the past month, we have collated feedback from staff regarding our current practices for following up non-attendance and examining research in the area of student absenteeism and its impact on student learning and wellbeing.

Every day matters in the school life of a child or young person. Each day of attendance has a positive effect on their development and future success. In contrast, regular attendance at school contributes to opportunities for success, including a population that is better educated and healthier, with improved job choices, financial independence and higher overall wellbeing.

As early as preschool, regular absence can be a predictor of later attendance patterns. Even missing one day a week of school from Reception to Year 10 adds up to missing two years and one term of schooling.

Children and young people who do not attend school regularly also miss out on planned learning experiences, sequences of instruction and class participation. The impact of this loss is compounded with each absence. It is also more difficult for them to build positive relationships with others.

Student attendance has two categories:

  • Habitual non-attendance (all absences): where a student has five or more absences for any reason in a term (average of one day per fortnight).

    For some students, the absences may take place in a single term for reasons such as a severe bout of illness or a special family holiday. Many of these situations are addressed through clear community messaging or by working directly with parents, and do not pose a significant risk to the student for long-term adverse outcomes.
  • Chronic non-attendance (unexplained absences): where a student is absent for ten days or more in a term for any reason (average of one day per week).

    This is where there has been no reason provided for absences. In such circumstances, parents need to be made aware of the impact on their son's learning and wellbeing. It helps parents understand the positive impact of regular school attendance or assist with the early identification of barriers to engagement with school.

It is acknowledged that children can be absent for many reasons, and there can be a varying degree of risk for students in relation to their learning and wellbeing within the parameters of these definitions.

These thresholds provide a way for us to be alerted to the need to assess a child's circumstances and the degree of risk posed by student non-attendance.

We hope to finalise our review by the end of this term and update our current policy and processes for implementation in 2020 to coincide with the introduction of SEQTA.

Australian History and Geography Competitions
During Semester One some of our keen historians in Years 8 and 10 participated in the Australian History Competition run by the History Teachers Association of Australia. Pleasingly, 80% of students scored above the national mean. Of the 23 students who participated in Year 8, two received High Distinctions (Charlie Crafter and Felix Farmer), six received Distinctions and three received Credits. 27 students participated in Year 10, with two receiving High Distinctions (Jack Basso and Connor Walker), plus nine Distinctions and four Credits.

All Geography students from Years 8 to 12 participated in the 2019 Australian Geography Competition, where they completed 50 multiple-choice questions based on Global Geography. This competition involves over 73,500 students from 792 schools across Australia. Once again, our results were outstanding with six students receiving High Distinctions (Year 9 - Gianni Chiuchiolo, Darcy McKenny, Lorenzo Moffa, Charlie Spajic, Harrison White; Year 12 - Jake Kelly) and eighteen receiving Distinctions. A special mention must go to Jake who placed in the top 2% of the country.

Well done to our students and their History and Geography teachers on these magnificent results.

Frank Ranaldo
Deputy Principal


Community Notices

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Term Dates

2019 Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 30 January to Friday 12 April 2019
Term 2: Tuesday 30 April to Friday 28 June 2019
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September 2019
Term 4:  Monday 14 October to Friday 06 December
