As with all new initiatives, we are yet to see the full benefits of this new
learning management system, but pleased with the teachers' readiness to implement new learning tools and
the boys embracing the opportunity to be active participants in the learning process.
Joseph's Day
Yesterday was the feast day of St Joseph, the patron saint of the College,
and our Chapel is named in his honour.
Joseph was an ordinary human being like each of us.
He was a man of great devotion and love for Mary and spent endless time with Jesus as he was growing up.
We can picture him listening to Jesus, answering the typical questions any child asks, with patience,
and no doubt, a sense of humour. He disciplined Jesus but at the same time established a relationship
of simple trust and gentleness.
Joseph's most striking quality was his openness to God's
call in his life. He said "Yes" to God, even though he must have had real doubt and fears about why his
wife to be, Mary, was pregnant. He must have wondered what his role in the great mystery was going to
be. As we know, Joseph was a man of faith who dedicated himself to Mary and Jesus despite what others
might say or think.
Joseph was the ideal husband and father. Today God's Holy Family is the
church; the reason why St Joseph is invoked as patron of the universal church.
St Joseph
has an important message for all our students. Through the example and prayers of St Joseph, may our young
men have the patience, courage, commitment, wisdom and strength at some stage in their lives to be ideal
caregivers and providers for their families, both natural and spiritual.
Workshop' for Parents
Given Government advice regarding non-compulsory events, we have
decided to reschedule the Unplugged Workshop planned for Wednesday 1 April. The new date and time will
be advertised in the newsletter in due course.
Easter Raffle
for the Parents' & Friends' Easter Raffle are being sold to students during Pastoral Care for 50 cents
each over the coming weeks, with prize winners being announced in the final week of this term.
Archbishop Announcment
Late yesterday Pope Francis appointed Bishop Patrick
O'Regan, currently Bishop of the Diocese of Sale in Victoria, as the 12th Archbishop of Adelaide. Click
here to read the media release.
NAPLAN 2020 (Years 3, 5, 7 & 9)
Earlier today, we received communication to advise that the Commonwealth and State Education Ministers
have taken the decision to cancel this year's NAPLAN testing.
NAPLAN testing will resume in
Frank Ranaldo
Deputy Principal