Term 2, Week 1 - Friday 1 May 2020

Term 2, Week 1 Update

Dear parents and friends of Rostrevor

After not expecting to return to face-to-face teaching in the first half of Term 2, here we are, finishing off our first week with much of life returning to normal - at least within the boundaries of our College grounds.

Canteen Operations
Many boys and parents will be pleased to know that our canteen will return to normal operations for recess and lunch from Monday (04 May). 

Please note that there are still some restrictions on access to the canteen.  We continue to encourage online lunch ordering for all students, including Middle and Senior Years, to assist with maintaining appropriate social distancing within our canteen.  Orders can be placed via the following link: http://www.flexischools.com.au.  Middle and Senior Years' students can collect orders from the servery at the rear of the canteen.  We do recognise that sometimes students require last-minute items from the canteen and, accordingly, the canteen will be open for restricted walk-in sales at lunchtime only. Menu items for walk-in sales will be limited and numbers of students in the canteen at any one time will be restricted. 

COVID-19 Parent Update
Our regular update will be emailed to parents on Wednesday evening. As you can imagine, we are hoping that it will contain good news for our boarders and their families.

Edmund Rice Day - 05 May
We look forward to celebrating this special day in honour of the founder of the Christian Brothers and the Patron of our College.  Of course, our celebrations will be a little different this year but no less significant.

01 May - A day to remember our Workers and St Joseph
As many would know, 01 May is celebrated in socialist countries as the Day of International Solidarity of Workers.  Since 1955, the Catholic Church has celebrated 01 May as the Feast of St Joseph the Worker.  On this day every year we are invited to reflect upon the life and influence of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.  We also remember that a young Jesus would have spent many hours working with his carpenter father long before his public ministry.

On such a day, in this year of a global pandemic, we find ourselves grateful for the millions of workers who keep us safe, the grocery stores stocked, the internet functioning and all those researchers working in laboratories trying to discover a vaccine.

We also keep in our thoughts and prayers the millions of workers who have recently become unemployed as a consequence of the global shutdown.  While we sometimes get the opportunity to do something practical for those around us affected by illness, business collapse, or unemployment, it is often the case that it appears that there is not much that we can do.  In our Christian tradition (and others too) we have long held the notion that we can keep people in our prayers, asking God to care for those who are experiencing hardship.

Keeping people in our thoughts and prayers is also an act of solidarity, where we consciously remember people and their situations rather than allowing ourselves to forget their circumstances in our own busy lives.  Just as the celebration of International Worker's Day and the like has the power to bring people together, this private act of keeping people in our thoughts and prayers can do the same.

Over many years, I have found that trying to be more mindful of others in this way somehow prepares me to be a bit more ready when the opportunity comes to do something more tangible.  The power of the prayer/practice is that it works on me, from the inside, out.

In our College setting, we see real value in reminding the boys that we are all called to be men (and women) for others.  Regardless of any specific act that we may make, this motto reminds us that the world is a better place when we are in solidarity with those around us.  Wherever we look in the darkest times over the last two months, the stories and experiences that have provided the greatest reassurance and hope are those of service and generosity to others.

Just as we have all wondered about what aspects of our recent experience (such as reduced pollution) might be good to keep after the restrictions ease, maybe this intense experience will deepen our post-COVID-19 awareness of the importance of being in solidarity with others, even if that can only be in our thoughts and prayers.

Best wishes for the week ahead.

Brian Schumacher

The cold weather hasn't fazed our newest and youngest students who have donned their winter uniform for the first time this week. Rostrevor extends a warm welcome to Year 8 Liam (pictured back left) and Year 1 Samuel (centre), as well as Yr 2 Isac and Yr 10 Julian who have joined the College this Term. Our receptions, represented here by Hendrix, Dante and Angus wear the red and black well don't you think?

Community Notices

Enrolment of siblings

As a reminder to our parent community, if you would like to enrol a sibling of a current student please contact our Enrolments Officer on enrolments@rostrevor.sa.edu.au or phone (08) 8364 8244.  Specifically, if you are seeking a 2021 enrolment of a sibling, applications should be being completed and submitted now.  Further information can be found on the College website 'Enrolling at Rostrevor'.

Canteen Information


Uniform Shop Hours & Information


Term Dates

2020 Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 29 January to Thursday 9 April 2020
Term 2: Tuesday 28 April to Friday 26 June 2020
Term 3: Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September 2020
Term 4:  Monday 12 October to Friday 4 December 2020
