Principal Damian Messer with big Mitch and little Mitch at Monday's Presentation night
Term 4, Week 3, Thursday 02 November 2017
Read the latest from:
Mr Damian Messer, Principal
Mr Frank Ranaldo,
Deputy Principal
Mr Geoff Aufderheide, Director - Junior Years
Mr Jeff Fischer,
Head of Co-Curricular
Just a friendly reminder from our Enrolments
Office to contact us to enrol sibings of current students. Siblings wishing to attend the College
in 2018, 2019 or 2020 are required to complete an Enrolment Form and follow the enrolment process.
To obtain a form, please contact Annemarie Mein on 8364 8244 or
you volunteered at the College in 2017? Please join us as we say 'thank you'.
The Annual General Meeting of the Rostrevor
College Foundation Incorporated to be held at 6.30 pm, Thursday, 9 November 2017 in the Boardroom, Rostrevor
College, Glen Stuart Road, Woodforde. All Board of Management positions are declared open and
vacant. The Rostrevor College Foundation exists to:
Support and assist Rostrevor College.
Encourage and foster the interest and financial support of past students, current and past parents
and friends of the College.
Preserve, improve and develop the College's standards, services
and facilities.
For more information or to nominate and/or to register your attendance
please contact Sandra Mestros, Executive Officer on
our generous community who have donated prizes for the Trailer Raffle. The Trailer is almost full
to the brim. Not only could you win a trailer, but one with a Weber BBQ, with Stand and Gas Bottle,
as well as a Euro Microwave and much much more!
Raffle Tickets need to be returned to the College
ASAP. All tickets must be accounted for before the Trailer Raffle.
The Raffle Draw will take place at approximately 7:15pm, Friday
3 November 2017.
Coffee & Cake Stall - Twilight
Once again, the P&F will be running a Coffee & Cake Stall at this year's
Twilight Fair.
We are seeking support and donations from our Rostrevor families, of fresh home
baked goods, which would be greatly appreciated e.g., cakes, slices, pies, pastries, cupcakes or biscuits.
It would be fantastic if all donated baked goods could be delivered & packaged, ready
to sell, to the Junior or Senior School Reception, on the morning of Friday 3rd November 2017. Alternatively,
goods can be dropped off directly to the Cake Stall by 3pm.
Regulations require that all ingredients
must be named, together with the date baked.
On behalf of the Rostrevor College Parents & Friends
Committee, I would like to thank you for your kind donation and support. Please feel free to contact me
with any questions or queries you may have.
Kind regards,
Karen Tripodi
P&F Committee
Mobile: 0419 816 181 |
2018 Term
Term 1: Tuesday 30 January to Friday 13 April
Term 2: Tuesday 1 May to Friday 29 June
Term 3: Monday 23 July
to Friday 28 September
Term 4: Monday 15 October to Thursday 6 December
1 to Term 4 Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesday 8:00am to
Thursdays 1:00pm to 6:00pm
During school terms only
Please note there will be some 2nd hand uniforms available for sale on each day.
All uniforms
are in good condition and reasonably priced.
Appointments can be made for fittings by phoning
8364 8383 or email:
CLICK HERE for more information
available on website
A Catholic Boys ' Day and Boarding College in the Edmund Rice Tradition - Reception
to Year 12. |
Glen Stuart Road, Woodforde
8 8364 8200 |