Just a friendly reminder from our Enrolments
Office to contact us to enrol sibings of current students. Siblings wishing to attend the College
in 2018, 2019 or 2020 are required to complete an Enrolment Form and follow the enrolment process.
All families recently received advice that Catholic
Education South Australia has engaged Adelaide-based market research company 'Square Holes' to provide
research services on behalf of the Eastern area Catholic Schools. Families were provided the opportunity
to opt out of the research project. Following this, a survey was distributed last week to all families
who did not elect to opt out. The College seeks your support for this project, by completing the survey
as soon as possible.
By participating in the research you will be providing valuable feedback to
ensure that the Catholic Education schools in the Eastern region can continually improve to meet the needs
of the school community.
All information provided as part of this process will remain confidential,
be analysed only by Square Holes and not passed on to any other organisation. Your name will not
be attached to your answers and the College will only be provided with aggregate responses.
If you have any questions regarding the research please contact Jan Hurley, Business Manager,
on (08) 8364 8303 or jhurley@rostrevor.sa.edu.au
In the past Rostrevor College has provided a
printed Business Directory. We are pleased now to offer an online directory. For more
information and pricing detail, please visit: http://www.rostrevor.sa.edu.au/business-directory.html
Please Note: Term 4 will finish at 3.15pm
on Wednesday 6 December for students R-9, and not 1.05pm on Thursday 7th as previously
advised. More information will follow to families.
2018 Term
Term 1: Tuesday 30 January to Friday 13
April Term 2: Tuesday 1 May to Friday 29 June Term 3: Monday
23 July to Friday 28 September Term 4: Monday 15 October to Wednesday 5 December