While it has only been a few days since
returning from the three-week break, our boys are to be commended for how quickly they have settled back
into the routines of classes and extracurricular activities. As you can imagine, the first week back is
also a very social occasion as boys catch up with friends they haven't seen for a few weeks. While often
overlooked, connecting and reconnecting with friends is an incredibly important part of our community
life and one of the most significant contributors to the boys' well-being.
We offer a special
welcome to those students who are commencing at Rostrevor this semester, among them six new Reception
students. As you can see from the gallery photos they are full of smiles as they get to know their new
friends and teachers.
Welcome to the following new members of staff who have joined us in recent
weeks. We look forward to working with them and to make the most of their expertise and fresh perspectives.
Luke Manuel, Head of Co-Curricular Programs
Raquel Hogben, Science
Harrison Modra, English & HASS
Tania Rogers, College Accountant
There are so many great stories and moments in any day
at Rostrevor. We are working on ways to better share the good news with our parents and the broader
community. With this in mind, we hope you enjoy our reformatted newsletter that will provide you with
a quick update of what's been happening over the past week, celebrations of student achievement along
with links to bigger stories and, in some cases, in-depth articles about raising and educating boys.
Our social media posts will continue to provide the most up to date coverage of breaking news and
links to many of the news articles appearing in the mainstream media.
It is my pleasure to introduce Mr Luke Manuel as our newly appointed Head of Co-Curricular Programs.
The Appointment Panel was particularly impressed by Luke's application,
his deep understanding of the importance of co-curricular activities in the lives of boys and the many
connections with academic success. As an Old Collegian and current player with ROCFC, Luke is well-placed
to help us develop the co-curricular program over the years ahead.
While our extensive sports program
is a strength of the College, Luke will lead a small team to review every aspect of our co-curricular
program, processes and structures as part of our planning for 2019 and beyond. We look forward to sharing
more of this project with you as things develop over the next few months. |