EREA Congress
This weekend I will be away attending the EREA Congress.
The purpose of the Congress is to gather the EREA community and its partners, reflect upon EREA's mission
as it has been expressed since the 2012 Congress and to determine the broad directions of EREA in the
next period of its story.
Blue Week
Next week the College Prefects
will host 'Blue Week' to help raise awareness of men's health, including depression and anxiety. House
Captains will deliver presentations at gatherings held during the week and a range of other activities
to raise money for beyondblue have been organised. You will have received a letter outlining the schedule
for the week.
Stress & Anxiety
As we approach the end of Term
3 many Year 12 students will be feeling the pressure of finalisng major assessment tasks for moderation.
If your son is in Year 12 and currently not experiencing any stress, take this as a warning sign.
There will be times in all students' schooling where they experience stress and anxiety, no matter
the year level. It is essential for us as parents to be tuned in to our children to recognise early warning
signs so that we can provide the required support. READ